Navy entrance examination

Aim Achiever is India's driving training foundation, in Jaipur that is putting forth quality instructive administration in a few fields of study and examinations. Accordingly, with respect to conspicuous Defense and Navy Coaching in Jaipur Exam entrance tests, our association offer quality instructing for a few subjects that fall in that.

The most reputed and awaited jobs provided in Indian Navy and those who are really interested wait for their turn to apply for the entrance examination. They wanted to try their luck.

Eligibility Criteria

Marital Status: Unmarried Indian Male residents are eligible for exam.
Nationality: Indian. Gorkha subjects of Nepal are likewise eligible for recruitment.
Age: 17-20 year.
Educational Qualifications:
 Registration or comparable with 55 percent or above imprints with Science and Maths. Or then again 10 + 2 or comparable examination with half total checks in Maths and Physics. Inclination gave to competitors with working learning of PCs.
Application Form
The applications were filled online only on website and all required documents in original are to be scanned and uploaded.
Online applications along with the required certificates will be sorted out State-wise. The qualifying cut off a percentage of a particular state may be increased if the number of applications with the higher percentage is received.
Exam Pattern
Before appearing for the exam candidates must know about the exam pattern for better preparation. As Exam pattern highlights important topics, marks, and the number of questions to be asked.
1.      The question paper will be bilingual (Hindi & English) and objective type.
2.      The question paper will comprise of four sections i.e. English, Science, Mathematics and General Knowledge.
3.      The question paper will be of 10+2 standard and the syllabus for the examination is available on website
4.      Duration of examination will be one hour.
5.      The candidates are required to pass in all sections and in aggregate.
Indian Navy Recruitment Selection Process:
Candidate will be selected through various tests such as Physical & Medical Standard Test, Written Exam/Interview
Physical Standards:
(i)Height: 157 cms (least) for 18 years old
ii) Weight: Proportionate to tallness (in addition to and short 10% adequate)
(iii) Chest: Well created and proportioned with least extension scope of 5cms
 (iv) Without glasses better eye 6/6 and more awful eye 6/9. Shading Perception: CP II
 (v) Good mental and physical wellbeing free from any infection/inability.


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